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Trial By Fire

Today was my first day interning at the Lehigh Valley Heritage Museum! According to the volunteers, I picked a crazy day to get started since there were two programs in one day. Talk about a trial by fire! When I arrived Jill had me put together and hand out packets for the first program which was a genealogy workshop given in part by Josh, the senior museum educator. I mentioned to Jill that I was very interested in genealogy research so she had me sit in on the workshop and I learned quite a bit! Once the genealogy workshop finished, I help clean up and set up for the next program. Peter Kern was giving a talk about the history of zinc in eastern Pennsylvania. Lou and Scott Reda were there to film the talk. Joe introduced me to them and told me about all the award-winning documentaries they've done for the History Channel. I guess you never know whom you'll meet at the museum!

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