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Annual Meeting

I got there and things were pretty hectic. Jill was out getting refreshments for that afternoon and evening so I helped Alyce in the lobby. The library was closed since the Redas were filming in there and there was a workshop on archives going on in the lecture hall. When Jill finally got back we went up to my favorite little corner and worked on the program she and I were presenting at the Annual Meeting. But she got called away to go to lunch with Joe before we could get started. So she had me scan a couple things and read and summarize the Elsie Singmaster piece I was going to read an excerpt from. So I did all that, had lunch and helped Alyce before Jill got back. When she did, we got back to work on the program though there were many interruptions. We finished that though and even had time to practice it once. People started to arrive and Joe introduced me to a whole bunch of important people, like members of the board of trustees. It was great to be able to pick the brains to people who have done well in the field that I hope to be a part of in the future. After some refreshments, the meeting started and they went through all the official stuff. Then Jill presented and I did my part and afterward Jill talked a bit about me and said some very nice things, it was all very flattering. Afterward I was chatting with some people, one interesting person was Dr. Michael Grey who is a history professor at ESU. He's also the vice president of the board and he gave me plenty of great advice about graduate schools and programs. I really spent most of the night absorbing as much information as possible and I definitely learned a lot. It was a great way to unofficially end my internship. I’m still coming in next week so Jill and I can work out the details for hiring me, and that’s when the real fun begins!

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