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Learning Curve

Today was my first semi-normal day on the job. I showed up at 9:00 AM because I realized that Jill never told me when to be in, so I figured better early than late. Jill said that from now on I don't have to show up until 9:30 AM. Since I got there early, Joe had me sit in on a staff meeting so I could get a feel for what those are like. After the meeting, Jill and I got to work taking down plaques from a recently removed exhibit, and once that was done it was time to start prepping for tomorrow's Eagle Fest! That's when Dr. Smucker arrived to do her site visit. I think things went well and I got to show her around the museum. It was also my first time getting to really look around so that was neat. After that it was time for my lunch break. Jill gave me an hour and I politely explained to her that I didn't know what I would do with myself for an hour. I told her eating lunch would take 20 minutes and after that I would be ready to get back to work. So that's what I did, Dave (a volunteer) and I worked on making an eagle's nest for a kids activity and that took up the rest of the day. In between my different activities were some interesting and educational moments. Josh taught me about Pennsylvania German Frakturs and we talked about the importance of digitizing documents to make them more accessible to the public while also keeping the originals from being handled too much. It’s great to be able to talk about history with people who are genuinely interested.

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